THE SATURN PLANET THE UNIVERSE THE SATURN PLANET In 1969 the first man landed on the moon to this day man space travel is it not ready yet to look Mars even another planet. With the passage of time, the science has been developed and made the impossible to possible. With the help of the science and modern instrument we can see outer space. Today our topic is Saturn, Lets quick view on Saturn and search for life another planet. SATURN PLANT AND ITS RINGS Saturn is not only sixth planet of the solar system but also the largest planet after Jupiter. With the approximate distance 1.4 million kilometres to the sun the planet takes 29 years and 166 days to complete the one orbit. the minimum distance between the Earth and Saturn is 1.2 millions kilometre. The diameter of Saturn is 120500 kilometre. The weight of the Saturn is 95 of earth masses. Which means Saturn mass is 95 x bi...