The speed of light is over 299 million metres per second or over 20099000 kilometers per second. Speed of light is as well the fastest achievable speed in the universe or not really achieve able in order to go at the speed of light. You would have to have no no mass for no material that you are made of meaning in order to go at the speed of light. You cannot exist physically but we can get very close to the speed of light. The light speed may seem like much but taking into consideration interstellar distance. it is not that impressive and does not match our human ambitions to reach others star fast. Light can in 1 second go around ears 7.5 times but since light has its limit even when you are talking to are human 1 metre away. You would see him 3.3 nanoseconds. In the past or billionth of a second in the past. Everything you see around you is how it was not how it is now you can never see anything in the universe as it is now, but in the past. So let's start with familiar objects such as our moon. It is 380 thousands kilometre away an average meaning from Earth. We see it 1.3 second in the past. Our San as we see it 8 minutes in the past from Earth. Mars is 14 minutes an average in the past which also means that rovers humans sent there need an average 14 to respond to a single command for merge and also means that you can never see Mars life as well. 


Since light speed is the limit for average speed including radio waves microwaves and gamma rays and every other waves. Now let's go a letter father another star and other another system is alpha centauri. It is 4.3 light years away from Earth. it has three stars and the smallest star proxima centauri is a little closer 4.2 light years away from our son meaning that it take even light for ears to get to proxima centauri. Proxima centauri is an Earth sized planet their orbit proxima centauri and it is likely solid. So let's suppose there is an alien observer there and if if had a big enough telescope the the mirror likely has to be few thousand kilometres diameter to observers perfectly and the alien observer would see Earth four years in the past which from the space the earth would look pretty much the same but if it was an extremely large telescope let's say 25 million kilometres in diameter and it could pinpoint every human. It could see you for years in the past because light from an alien observer is just reaching them from 4 years ago, it also means that when we observe alpha centauri stars we see it done four years in past. The same goes when observing every others stars and milky way galaxy as a whole the center of our Galaxy is 25000 light years away, meaning we see it 25000 year in the past. 


Let's go a bit further with stars let's say star 2000 light-years away that has a Solid planet there alien an observer would have to have a telescope likely over hundreds of thousands of kilometres just to observe dear from planet two thousand light years away. They would now see the earth during the night not with bright dots that we have today with cities since there are no artificial lights. But if they could pinpoint everything well firstly we need to have a telescope that is over 11 billion kilometre across which is which is compare able to the size of our solar system. 

If that giant telescope alien observer that for away would be able Romans and other civilization, maybe as well spot a glimpse of a war that was going on two thousand years ago. Now let's go even further and other Galaxy the closest galaxy to our is Andromeda which is bigger than milky way galaxy and in future will collide with our Galaxy. Andromeda is 2 million and 500 thousand light years away, meaning we see it 2.5 million years in the past. So if a alien observer from Andromeda, wanted to observers and its creature of its time the size of the telescope need to be 15 million, trillion kilometres in diameter or 1/4 the distance from to the alpha centauri. 15 trillion kilometre is more than a light year big it 1.6 billion light years length meaning light from one side of the telescope to the other side of telescope would take 1.6 years. 

How such a telescope would operate is not very clear but it sure would Sears 2.5 million a year in the past. The thing is that it still would be very difficult but there would be no modern humans at all from this point in time on earth observers in Andromeda would see Australopithecus YZ or descendants of humans with their stone tools and see their way of life but it sure would not look like a advanced Civilization. It is also worth to mention that these  observers would see how milky way galaxy actually looks like from a distance. Since we are in the milky way we just barely have any idea of how our galaxy looks like. But let's push even more into the space let's go to the largest Galaxy found ngc 687- it is five hundred thousand light year across or about five time the length of milky way. The Galaxy milky way is 212 million light year away. So again suppose an alien observe the earth through telescope that can see in an animal averts. So the size of this telescope would need to be over one quadrillion kilometre across or 132 light years cross, meaning from one side of mirror to the other side it take light 132 light years to travel. 

It shows that how much our galaxy is so big. How many thousands required of the light years to see the other part of the Galaxy. 


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