The red planet of our mysterious celestial neighbour. Every day we learn more and more about Mars planet as the race to unlock its secret ramps up does it just look like cold dry dead planet, but the more we study it the more we learn that it's actually dynamic alive. But for every answer we discover a million more questions arise so what doing know.
Mass is one of the most interesting planet of the solar system. It is the fourth planet from the sun it is Rocky cold desert world. Mars has very thin atmosphere. On March we see volcanoes canyon and impact basins like the ones we see on earth . Many of the same physical Land features we see on earth also exist on Mars. It is the most widely searched planet for life. One day Mars is completed with in 24.6 while a whole trip around the sun is completed with in 669.6 days. So mass is pretty much similar to earth. It is only planet apart from earth that lies within the habitable zone of sun. Habitable zone is the area around a star where it is not too hot and not too cold for liquid water to exist on the surface. Many research works apps on that March once had water even life.
The solar system was formed from a giant rotating ball of gas and dust much formed the sun while more of its went on and merged to create the first protoplasm was one of these planets and and after the gravity pulled enough swirling gas and dust. It became the fourth from the sun. About 5.4 billion years ago mars was held magma ocean float on the surface of Mars. After a billion years magnetic field formed around Mars. This created a protective layer around the Mars planet which shielded Mars planet from solar radiation . About 4.3 billion years ago are use object collided with Mars the remains of the object started orbiting Mars which formed rings around the red planet. After a billions years mass got warmer and carbon dioxide ice clouds are formed in its atmosphere. In the next billion years rainfall started on Mars which resulted in water ocean and lake. It is thought that 3.8 billion years ago live started on Mars this is sem time when life started developing here on earth. in the next billion years Mars molten core started to cool down this resulted in in Mars losing its magnetosphere a possible reason for this is because of asteroid strikes and solar wind interacting with the Mars atmosphere. The solar wind form the sun started stripping of the atmosphere on Mars that slowly began losing its atmosphere due to thin atmosphere mass begin to lose its ocean and lakes. The remaining water condensed to form ice on its poles.
After the billion years Mars became a cold dead planet. In 1971 Mariner 9 became the first artificial satellite to enter the orbit of Mars. Humans started exploring Mars in the 20th century. Today Mars is occupied with robots and rovers that are finding evidence of water and life on red planet. It is believed that Mars will be transformed by alone Elon and hopefully humans in in the next thousand years.
In 5 billion years the sun will become a red giant star this means it will reach its maximum size it will consume both Mercury and Venus and reach the orbit of Earth. But in the habitable zone of sun where liquid water can exist this may provide hope to other planet.
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